Saturday, March 29, 2014

Buttercup Update

As I posted before, we got a puppy named Buttercup. She was so sweet. A couple days after we got her, she was showing signs of being sick. She wasn't really eating or drinking, she was lethargic, and wasn't acting normal. I called Toni, the lady we got her from, and she came by with some meds. The next day Buttercup was doing better but still not 100%. Then the next day she was horrible. She had lost weight from not eating and needed to see a vet. We took her in and they said she had coccidia which is a parasite. She didn't get it from our house and must have gotten it from her mom or other dogs in Mexico. She stayed the day at the vet and came home that night with a ton of medication to take. 

Then two days later she still wasn't better. I took her back to the vet and they found more things in her stool like bacteria and some other virus. Basically, she was REALLY sick. After finding out it was going to be an arm and a leg to have her stay at the vet for days and days, I called Toni and updated her on everything. I asked her if she would just take the puppy back. We hadn't even had her a week.

She agreed and the boys and I cried practically the whole way to Santa Monica to drop her off for what we thought was for good. But Toni said she would give her back to us once she was better. Fast forward a week and a few days. We still hadn't gotten her back but was hearing that she was doing much much better. The next day I got a call from Toni saying she came home to Buttercup having seizures and she had to our her down. 

We were devastated. After talking to Fred, we decided not to tell the kids she had to be put down. We told them that we wanted to do the right thing for Buttercup and that meant she couldn't come home. If she came home, he would be sick and if she stayed at the doctors she would be better. They understood but were very sad and heartbroken. We did promise them we'd get another dog one day. 

The whole thing had been horrible. We were given a sick dog and only had her less than a week. I know now the mistakes we made in finding her and making sure she was well before hand. Overall, I'm relieved it's all over. It was traumatic for all of us. I'm just glad she wasn't here when she was having seizures. I hope the next dog we get will be nothing like this expierence. We miss her but glad she's free from all her illnesses. RIP Buttercup. 

1 comment:

Naomi and Family said...

That is so sad!!! I just saw the pictures of her and she was adorable!! My heart breaks for that sweet little puppy, and you guys. I am so sorry! You guys are great parents for handling it the way that you did. I can't believe how sick she was! Poor little thing!