Thursday, May 29, 2014

Blog to Book

For Mother's Day, Fred said I needed to get my blog into books since we were behind by 4 years. How did we let it go that long is beyond me. But each book is about $100 or more depending on how much I wrote that year. It's not small expense. But he expressed to me how important it is and we needed to get it done. He said it was my legacy and that I should be so proud of myself. I've thought about this and I actually am really proud of myself for sticking with it. I now have 5 books that document our lives for the past 5 1/2 years. That's amazing! When our books came in, I looked through them and read about when Asher was born. I wrote down the exact words Fred told me when he came out. I would have never remembered that on my own and now I can forever. I'm really glad and thankful technology is what it is today. We've come so far. I have noticed, though, that I tend to blog more about events now rather than thoughts and feelings. I guess it's become more of the actual life documenting than a journal for me. I need to change that and make it both again. 

1 comment:

Kent and Krista Stevenson said...

So awesome! I also think of my blog as my journal and family album. Printing it out each year is really convenient and way cheaper than scrapbooking!