Saturday, June 6, 2015

Open House

Caleb had a play before Open House called Tide Pool Condos. He was a lobster. He sang songs and danced. It was SO cute. I am so proud of him. He's done a great job in 1st grade and for still being 6, no less. He really liked his teachers this year and made some great friends. He was so excited for us to see all his work.

Ethan was just as excited for us to see his work. He is such a smart boy and at the top of his class. I am so proud of him. He works hard, tried his best and it really shows. He loved his teacher this year and so did we. We hope Caleb has her next year.

1 comment:

Kent and Krista Stevenson said...

I can't believe this school year is almost over! I saw Caleb's rehearsals a couple of times in mrs. T's class. So dang cute!