Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Ethan Finishes Harry Potter Book no. 3!

Ethan just finished reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! We watched the 3rd movie the other day to celebrate! After going to Harry Potter World, I told Ethan we would take him to Harry Potter World if he finished reading all the Harry Potter books and since then he is flying through them! He's currently reading the 4th book now. He follows along with the audio which he loves. It's turned into his extra 'fun' reading since he has to read out loud to me for 30 mins for homework every night. 

I know his biggest motivation is going to Harry Potter World but I'm so proud of him. He is really enjoying them and learning to love to read more and more. I know he'll feel so accomplished once he finishes all of them. It's so awesome to have him be so excited over something I really love too.
 Go, Ethan!

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