Wednesday, October 18, 2017

1 Month in... forever to go.

It has now been one month of waking up at 4am to get to the gym at 4:15am and workout for an hour. It's also been one month of making better food choices. When I took this picture I was currently 12 pounds down and now I am 14 pounds down. What I am most proud of is that I did this al on my own. I wake up and go while everyone in my house sleeping. I have a busy life and packed schedule with things i need to do for the kids. I was never a morning person and hated working out. Yet I realized that making excuses just means you don't care enough. Simple as that. Now i care. And I'm so happy I made that choice. I still have many more pounds I'd like to lose and when I reach that goal. that doesn't mean i will be stopping. This is now my new normal. It makes me feel good. It's rewarding. It makes me feel happy, accomplished and strong. I feel like I'm looking better and better each day. And I'm so sore which I love! It feels good to be sore! Go me!

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