Saturday, June 23, 2018

Science Day

I've been falling behind this Summer with blogging and keeping up to date. 
We have been busy though which is great!

I saw on Social Media that a friend had made a 'Summer Bucket List' for her family and I was inspired to do the same. Our list isn't super long but it should be fun to do. One of the items on our bucket list that I had made was 'Science Day'. I looked on Pinterest at some simple yet fun experiments we could do at home that would engage the kids. 

It was a long, messy and tiring day but turned out to be very fun and exciting as well. 

First we made "Magic Milk." We used milk, food coloring and soap on Q-tips and watched the reaction. It didn't last long but was very exciting to see the chemical reaction that happened.

Next we made Cloud Dough. It's the same thing as Moon Sand or the idea is the same. It is suppose to be sand that doesn't stick to you and can easily mold. It turned out pretty good and fun. The kids enjoyed mixing the baby oil and flour. The food coloring we used to try to make it different colors didn't work but made out sand look like confetti sand which was neat too.

The kids really enjoyed our 'Lava Lamps' that we made. We used Alka Seltzer to make them fizz and it was really awesome to watch. I think this was my favorite thing we did.

We also did some experiments that we watched over time. We placed celery in mason jars with food coloring and watched the celery change color over time. We also put eggs into vinegar for a few days to see what happened. It really didn't turn out but I'm thinking thats because we were suppose to change the vinegar daily. Oh, well. 

The boys' favorite were the volcanos. It was pretty awesome. We did the simpler version using just tin foil, not clay, but it had the same effect. They could have done them for hours. 

Another thing we did, that I didn't get pictures of because my hands were so messy, is making homemade bouncy balls. These turned out and worked but the kids pulled them apart and after they did that, they couldn't be put back together so it ended quickly. I really liked this project too even though it was the messiest for me. 

Soon we will do Art Day and Nature Day. I hope they enjoy it just as much as Science Day!

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