Monday, March 18, 2019

Caleb Goes to Outdoor Science School

Caleb got to go to OSS! He was so excited. I always feel bad because I'm that parent that is like, "BYE! Have fun, see you in a week!" while many other parents and kids are crying and being so dramatic. For some kids, this is their first time away from their parents EVER. I find that crazy. Caleb was nervous but mostly excited. After the goodbyes, he got on the bus and I left. Some parents were like, "Why are you leaving? What are you doing?" I told them he was already on the bus so why should I stay? If I wait for them to drive away, that'll be another 20 mins! Macie was already so done and we left. I was the first parent to leave. HAHA

We learned that without Caleb, our house is quieter, cleaner and the pantry is opened far less than usual. There is also less mischievous activity. Also a lot less video game playing. But our house was also less exciting, fun and silly. We all missed Caleb. He is a big puzzle piece to our family and things left a little off without him. 

He said his favorite things were sledding and playing in the snow. They got so much snow while they were there. I'm glad I packed the snow stuff we had at the last minute. It was freezing there! When I opened up his suitcase, it was full of wet clothes from the snow.

When we picked him up, he asked if we could have a party because he came back. I said no. There were parents with balloons, flowers, posters etc like their kid accomplished something heroic. They went to camp, Camp that we paid for. We didn't have any of that for Caleb and I explained to him just because he got back from camp doesn't mean he gets special treatment. I guess I'm just that parent. 

But we're happy he's home and that he had so much fun!

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