Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day

 This years' Mother's Day Fred and I were flying home from New York so I wasn't with my kids the majority of the day. We got home around 5:30pm. BUT... the kids surprised me with a Mother's Day surprise! They has creepy clown music playing, a bagel filled with gummy bears and a candle and weird/creepy signs all over the house. They also surprised me with roses and my favorite candy- Peanut M & M's! It made me feel so loved!! Macie made me some cute things from school too. 

I love being mom to my four kids. They're really great kids. They're funny, kind, loving, smart and adventurous. They make life worth living and bring me so much joy and happiness. They each are so different from one another and it makes like interesting and fun. Yes, they can disobey and be annoying at times but really, I lucked out. They're all healthy, smart and love to be with their Dad and I which I love. 

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