Saturday, July 13, 2024


 Champs day! The longest of all the days. Macie and I got there at 6:30am with Fred, Caleb and Asher coming at 9am. Fred got home from TX the night before after being gone the whole week. Needless to say, we were all tired. Caleb's friends from school ended up coming for a little while and then afterwards we went to In N Out and Miley came too. We left Champs about 4pm. We got 2nd place, only 7 points away from taking first. It was an exciting day. The kids did great. No 1st places for their stuff but they were swimming against some really fast kids. Next year I think we'll have a big chance at taking the win because lots of fast kids are aging out this year. After relaxing for a while, we then had our Champs after party on our street which is always fun. Such a long day but always really action packed. This season of Dolphins went by so fast! The kids all got so much better at swimming and I'm so proud of all of them!

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