Wednesday, April 24, 2013


About two years ago, I had my friends company come to my house, do a seminar on how to coupon, got a free subscription and then I did nothing.
How dumb I was.
I was overwhelmed, still didn't fully understand couponing so I did nothing. I fully regret that.
So now go back a mere week. We are low on grocery funds, I'm getting nervous, and not sure what to do. I find out that Walmart does price matching. Then I see an ad in Ralphs for selected varities GM cereal for $1.99. I first got to Walmart, price match and get the most expensive cereal I can and only pay $1.99 per box. Not a huge deal but some cereals I got were almost $4! I saved a bunch. Right then, I knew I had to keep doing this.
I wanted to still cash in on this sale so I go to Ralphs. They only had 3 cereals you could get for $1.99. Um, what? Seriously? I picked out any kind I wanted at Walmart! So, I left Ralphs, went to Walmart, this time with a few printed coupons. I picked out whatever I wanted, and this time got them even less. Amazing...oh and paid $.99 for salad dressing. It would have been less but I didn't have the coupon that came from the paper. I just price matched it.
My neighbor is now heavily into couponing and we've gotten very close over the last little while sharing this new passion. She gave me some coupons for $3.00 off for razors that were on sale for $3.99 at Ralphs. I got 6. Instead of paying $3.99 plus tax (making them over $4.00) I got them all for $.99.
Couponing can be very overwhelming and I just started so I'm still a little overwhelming but there are so many deals and so many ways to save, I don't know why more people don't do it. It isn't as hard and some people think. Most sites do the work for you!
I now get the paper again (5 each sunday) along with printing coupons from online. I'm so excited for the items I've been able to get for so little money. I now have a new hobby and I feel like I'm helping the family financially. Fred has been so impressed, and honestly I have been too. I never thought I could ever do this. Ever. I'm still really nervous and I call my friend all the time but it's worth it when you can get a whole bottle of juice for $.60 or something free!!
There is a learning curve and you need to know and learn certain things but it is so fun and addicting when you see those numbers drop!
Stay tuned for more couponing stories.
This was my first time. I paid $15 for everything and saved about $60.
 Second time. I paid $1.50