Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Random what we've been up to's...

Sweets is still so cute and cuddly. I love this little thing.

Caleb's been a pouty pants and this was his smile while he was sad. So, I did the same thing. He is SO excited to start school and often 'bored at home with mom.' I'm so horrible and boring. Oh well.

Fred got made into a bobblehead for his birthday! It's suppose to be here soon and I can't wait to see it in person! I love it!

Ethan got a coupon for a free ice cream for doing so well with reading at school
so Daddy took him to go get it.

It was ginormous.

And he ate it all.


Naomi and Family said...

So I totally need to know how to get one of those. I told Serek about Fred's and now he wants one for the dojo! :) Please advise! :)

Naomi and Family said...

*Derek not Serek. :)