Friday, September 2, 2016

A Day to Remember

I want to remember yesterday because my life right now is the busiest it's ever been. Right now is what I'll be wishing for when I'm old and all these kids are grown and gone. 

*Side note: Ethan hasn't picked a sport yet (still undecided) so our schedule will only get busier!*

Here is how the day went once the kids got out of school...

2:05-2:30 Drive home, snack, put things away.
2:30-4pm Homework, reading, piano practice and get ready for sports
4-5pm Caleb's soccer practice
5-6pm Asher's soccer practice
6-6:30pm drop off Asher and Macie at home with Fred, have Ethan and Caleb change for scouts
6:30-8pm Cub Scout Pack Meeting

To accomplish this I had to pack the following:
blanket, diaper bag, snack bag, water bag, soccer balls, scout uniforms, stroller, purse, entertainment toys and of course the kids.

Everyone did really well and I went into it making sure I remained positive, no yelling and using my time effectively. This will be our Thursdays for the next few months except the scout meeting will only b3 on Thursdays 2 more times. The regular meetings are on Wednesdays. Either way, it's a busy day and the other days are pretty busy too. 

Our goal for each child is for them to do an art (piano), sport, and scouts. Right now Asher is only doing a sport so soon it'll get really really crazy and I'll need help. As tiring as it is, it is what excites me, keeps me going and the routine/schedule helps me so much. I need to be busy. I need routine and a schedule. Once I'm done being sick, I'll get working out in in the mornings before the kids get up for school. 

These days are what I'll miss. I just know it. 

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