Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Caleb's Bee Sting

Caleb got stung by a bee the day Fred came back home from Texas. He'd been gone the week. Caleb was outside barefoot and stepping on a bee. Immediately he told me and I carried him home. I took the stinger out and then told him I needed to give him his Epi Pen. He freaked out and was screaming because he was scared. Ethan and Asher started to cry because they were scared he was going to die. I told Caleb that he had to stay still and let me do the Epi Pen or he could die. He understood the seriousness in my voice and he suddenly got very brave and let me do it. I stabbed it in his leg and he immediately screamed. It was over quickly and then he bled a little. I called Fred and told him what happened and thankfully he was on his way home from the airport so he could meet me at the hospital because Caleb now needed to be monitored. We met there and then I stayed with Caleb while Fred took the other kids home. Caleb was okay and ended up getting a steroid and then we were sent home.

I was surprised how calm I was the whole time. It was like I went into Mama Bear mode and just did what I needed to do. I hate seeing my kids in pain or suffering. I knew Caleb needed the Epi Pen fast and so I just did it. I didn't even get it a second thought. Thank goodness he was fine and Fred was able to be there to help with the other kids. I'm glad for the Mama Bear instincts I had and that Caleb was okay. 

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