Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Happy 1 Year Anniversary, House!

I don't know how it happened but we celebrated our house anniversary! CRAZY! No one could have predicted what would happen within just one year of living here. We had our horrible plumbing fiasco and now COVID. It's been nuts. 

Sometimes its weird to think that this is our house, not a rental. We started some changes like painting and new electrical but we pretty much had to stop since Covid and even before that it was a slow start since we focused on 1/3 of the year dealing with our plumbing crap. One thing that I don't love about this place is that during the Summer, we get bug bites. Last Summer and this Summer, I've gotten TONS of bug bites and its horrible. 

I think I will love this house more and more with each passing renovation and improvement. I do love this house but this last year has been hard. HARD. I look forward to brighter days ahead. I still think it was a good choice for our family. I just want life to be normal so we can enjoy the fruits of our labors.