Saturday, August 17, 2024

Gambler's Mark Concert

 Fred took Ethan and Caleb to a Gambler's Mark concert. Both boys have been wanting to go to a concert so badly and Ethan had discovered this band not too long ago and found that they were playing close by and tickets were relatively cheap. Asher said he wasn't interested in going but after learning how the concert was with the most pit and drunk people, it's probably better Asher wasn't there.

Fred and the boys said they had such a fun night. They were right up front and Fred protected them from the mosh pit. Fred said he had a drunk lady try to kiss him and was all up on him and that it was a crazy night. I'm glad the boys were able to experience a fun concert with their dad. Hopefully it's the first of many like that. They were sweet and took a picture because they know I want them too but all they did was take that one picture so here ya go...

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