Saturday, July 19, 2014

Cotton Candy

I mentioned before what happened when we bought cotton candy for the first time for the kids. I highly dislike the idea of giving them too many sweets/candy. Also, for preventative measures for their teeth. Anyway, Fred said they needed to try it at least once. I gave in and we bought some at Disneyland. 

Caleb then puked an hour or so later and felt sick. Ethan felt okay but not 100%. I also felt sick. 

I guess the point of this post is the fact that now, every time they see it, they never ask for it and even say things like, "that stuff will make you sick!' And 'Mom, never buy that again!' I think they're scarred for life by the stuff and want nothing to do with it which makes me so pleased. And whenever they see candy or a sweet they always ask, 'Mom, is that good for my teeth?' And my answer is no 90% of the time so then they'll say, 'Oh, Ok. You're right' and they move on. 

I don't totally deprive them for sweets but for the most part, they are nonexistent in our home. I guess I had a proud mom moment realizing now they don't have such a big desire for candy and sweets!

1 comment:

Kent and Krista Stevenson said...

That's so funny! Christian would eat almost a whole thing of cotton candy at disneyland without any side effects. Lol. My kids love sweets too much. You should definitely be happy they take your word for it and don't like candy too much.